Talk on Shame from Brené Brown
This is a moving talk that covers some new territory on shame.
One quote that comes up for me is this:
“You show me a woman who can actually sit with a man in real vulnerability and fear and I’ll show you a woman who has done incredible work.”
I had an article come out in The Good Men Project on Monday around how women and men function in vulnerability. I think it is such an important topic for our culture to have.
Both men and women need to start to understand how to listen to each other in these vulnerable spaces.
We need to make it safer for each other.
In this video, Brown describe the time she gave a presentation to about 500 – 600 people and explained a time she had a breakdown. Humiliated and feeling ashamed, Brown works through it and comes out a stronger, bolder version of herself.
Shame is a punishment we put on ourselves when we feel vulnerable for something we’ve done or for who we are as a person.
It’s something we can feel, and something we should also let pass. It allows us though a moment of deep reflection. Emotions are meant to have a purpose. This is shame’s purpose. It gives us a moment for pause.
Lingering shame though? Toss it.
It’s just not worth the emotional drain. Learn. Live. Love and move on. You’re an incredible person. You can and do deserve everything you want.